(423) 929-1126 smiles@bracesbhb.com

Early Orthodontics

Though a smile can be improved at any age, there is an ideal period to begin orthodontic treatments. Early treatments will ensure optimum results and the least time and expenditure. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that the initial orthodontic evaluation happens at the age of seven or at the first indication of orthodontic problems. Orthodontic treatment may not be required at this early age, but a comprehensive examination can predict the most beneficial time to begin treatment. Our specialists at Bradshaw + Katras Orthodontic Specialists in Tennessee will work to give you a comfortable orthodontic experience, and our practice is committed to providing you quality care.

What Is the Need for Early Orthodontic Treatment?

Early diagnosis of orthodontic issues will allow us to identify problems in their initial stages and give more significant opportunities for more effective treatment. Practical intervention guides development and growth, preventing severe issues in the future. When orthodontic mediation is unnecessary, we can carefully monitor growth and development and begin treatment when it becomes essential.

The first adult molars emerge by the age of seven, establishing the back bite. During this period, our specialists can evaluate the complete tooth alignment. For instance, the presence of emerging incisors can point out possible open bites, overbite, crowding, or gummy smiles. Timely intervention increases the possibility of a healthy, beautiful smile.

What Are the Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment?

Some of the most significant benefits of early orthodontic treatment are:

  • Make room for crowded, erupting teeth
  • Create facial proportion by guiding jawbone growth
  • Minimize the possibility of damage to protruding front teeth
  • Preserving space for adult teeth
  • Eliminating the need for tooth extractions
  • Reducing treatment time with braces

What Are the Phases of Early Orthodontic Evaluations?

The first phase of early orthodontic treatment begins between the ages of 2-6. Our orthodontists will work with parents and children during this phase to eliminate harmful habits, like thumb sucking and excessive pacifier use. We may also provide a combination of dental devices to encourage jaw growth, create space for adult teeth or prevent the teeth from moving into inappropriate areas. 

The middle stages begin from 6-12 years of age and involve therapies for realignment of the jawbone, correcting crossbites, and initiating the process of carefully straightening misaligned permanent teeth. This period also marks a developmental phase when the soft and hard tissues are extremely malleable. It is the correct age to correct a severe malocclusion in some ways. We may provide your child with dental devices such as braces to align their teeth. The braces may be fixed or removable. 

The last stage is the adolescent phase, where the goal includes straightening the permanent teeth and improving the smile’s aesthetic appearance. 

Two Convenient Locations

189 Corporate Drive Suite 30, Johnson City, TN 37604

Phone:   (423) 929-1126
Email:   smiles@bracesbhb.com

MON - THU:   8:00 am - 5:00 pm
FRI - SUN:   Closed

407 Hudson Dr, Elizabethton, TN 37643

Phone:   (423) 543-1123
Email:   smiles@bracesbhb.com

MON - THU:   8:00 am - 5:00 pm
FRI - SUN:   Closed